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Image by Gülfer ERGİN

Storm of Mist and Monsters 
Book 4

While Elara and Zaeth seek allies amongst the cunning and lethal fae royals, they must decide whom to trust in courts crafted from lies.

As war bears down upon them all, Elara endeavors to learn all she can about the invading darkness destroying their world. But Elara is no longer the person her family knew. A shadow has settled over her, one that will require a lot more than love to banish it.

In this stunning conclusion to the Storm of Chaos and Shadows series, C. L. Briar delivers thrills and romance amongst heart-wrenching plot twists and emotional toil sure to linger.

Storm of Death and Darkness 
Book 3

Finding the three missing pieces oft he Spear of Empyrean means salvation for those remaining... And retribution for all who have succumbed to the darkness plaguing Pax. But as each piece is uncovered, the tenuous strings holding their world together unravel further. 

Discouraged and grieving, will Elara be able to overcome her sorrow and stop the wicked forces of old? Or will the monsters win, plunging them into the prophetic war of shadows and torment?

In the third installment of the Storm of Chaos and Shadows series, Briar weaves a tale of overcoming immeasurable odds through the strength of family, friendship, and embracing the darkness within. 

Storm of Blood and Vengeance 
Book 2

After the vicious battle of Neith, Elara fights to control the restless shadows within. Her resolve is tested when her younger brother, Will, is plagued by visions, a blessing of prophecy, that leaves his already fragile body weakened. It doesn't help that Zaeth, the mysterious dark fae, encourages Elara to embrace her darkest desires despite her attempts at maintaining her place beside the heroic human general, Alarik.

As the Fractured and their malicious red-eyed fae commander decimate human villages, whispers of a greater foe emerge. With the aid of her sister, Greer, her brother's life and the lives of humans across Pax might be saved. But only if Elara can discover her true enemy, decipher Will's foreboding prophecies, and decide which path she wishes to take--one basked in light or one wrapped in shadows.

In the sequel to Storm of Chaos and Shadows, C.L. Briar weaves a captivating story of a land on the brink of ruin--an an unlikely alliance of fae and humans that will do anything to save it.

Storm of Chaos and Shadows
Book 1

Only the strong survive among the fae. Only the cruel.


Elara’s instincts have kept her alive despite the growing viciousness of the fae realm. Since the enchanted storm decimated her family seven years ago and forced her to care for her younger siblings, Elara craves an escape from the ghosts of her past.


When the charming general of the last human stronghold offers her the chance to act as a spy, Elara discovers a trail of embers and ash, along with her own awakening darkness. As the mystery of their enemy unravels, her yearning for revenge ignites. Elara must control her inner shadows and uncover the foe destroying their world or watch as the remaining cinders of humanity are extinguished forever.

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